Dual College Credit
We are excited to announce a new opportunity for Trinity Academy students to receive COLLEGE CREDIT from George Fox University for some of their Trinity Academy courses during their Junior and Senior years. These courses are equivalent in rigor to college courses, so George Fox is partnering with us to offer these courses as ‘Dual Enrollment’.
Starting this semester, Trinity Academy students can earn college credit for:
Trinity Calculus AB → GFU MATH 201 Calculus 1 (4 credits)
Trinity HL11 + Scripture 11 → GFU THEO 101 The Bible (3 credits)
Trinity HL11 → GFU WRIT 110 College Writing (3 credits)
Trinity Physics BC → GFU PHYS 150 Physics of Everyday Life (4 credits)
Trinity Humane Letters 12 → GFU LITR 100 Intro to Literature (3 credits)
The benefits of taking part in this opportunity include:
Signaling the college-level rigor of our TA courses when applying to colleges.
Reducing the cost and amount of time required to complete your college degree.
Getting some of your ‘required’ courses out of the way and being able to focus on more in-depth courses in your area of study in college.
Taking part in the dual credit program is optional for Trinity Academy students. All Trinity Academy students still take the Trinity Academy curriculum in these courses.
If you have questions regarding dual college credit opportunities at Trinity Academy, please email our Director of College Guidance Mrs. Jane Olson.